A team of lawyers with extensive knowledge of this complex area of work
We’ll help you register and carry out Enduring Powers of Attorney and Lasting Powers of Attorney to deal with both your financial affairs and your future medical treatment. If you don’t have a Power of Attorney and someone needs to deal with your affairs we can apply to the Court of Protection for the appointment of a Deputy.
We have a team of lawyers here with extensive knowledge of this complex area of work. We pride ourselves in dealing with these difficult issues with great care and sensitivity
For further information on power of attorney or to arrange an initial meeting, please call us on 01524 402050 / 01539 565990 or alternatively complete the Enquiry form below.
Enquiry Form
It is re-assuring to know that things are performing as well as can be expected in the financial markets and I am grateful for your care and attention.
We appreciate your help and guidance which we valued highly when you acted for us previously.
Thank you for your profecssional help and advice. It is encouraging to think that you would be willing to act for us again as an Independent Financial Adviser.
We were worried that we would not be able to find a mortgage lender to grant us a loan. Thanks so much for your endevours, we are now looking for our new house.
We are so pleased with your help and advice that we have recommended you to our friends. We told them you would explain the whole process involved as well as getting them a mortgage.
Thanks for seeing us last Wednesday evening. It is difficult to find time to sort out a mortgage when you both work! You explained everything so well that even I understood.